I’ve been neglecting the “Bet the NFL Super Bowl” site

And I can’t say that is going to stop. I mean it’s summer time and months away from the regular NFL season and more than 6 months away from the Super Bowl. How much Football can a guy write in the off season? Well thank god for Dom “dumb ass” Imus.

On this morning’s show, Imus & Co. were discussing suspended Dallas Cowboys corner back Adam “Pacman” Jones, who wants to drop his nickname. During the segment, one of his cohorts (perhaps Warner Wolfe?) tells Imus that Jones has “been arrested six times since being drafted by Tennessee in 2005.” Asks Imus: “What color is he?” Response: “He’s African-American.” You know where this is going.Concludes Imus: “Well, there you go. Now we know.”

Haha. Gotta love good old boy Imus for being the stupid racist that he is. I guess going up during slavery will do that to ya. I mean is the guy senile or what. It was less than a year ago that he got kicked off the air for saying racist sh!t about the Rutgers girls Basketball team and now he’s back saying more garbage…

Anyway, I don’t know why so many people care, and I can’t believe that that many people listen. I mean Howard Stern says a lot worse things on the air, probably to more listeners, and no one says boo. Old ass Imus says 2 remarks and it;s front page news… what a weird f-ed up world we live it.

Anyway, Pacman will always be Pacman to me… and probably the rest of the sports world as well. Sorry Jones, you don;t have the juice like Puffy does to just up and change your name and have people listen. Too bad, too sad you yellow pie chart looking thing (reference to the original Pacman).

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