Does the NFL cheat like the NBA?

I remember watching Super Bowl XL (Seahawks vs Steelers) and thinking that the game was rigged by the NFL. That was the day that I started doubting that the NFL was really a pure football league where players and coaches decided the outcome of games. I started to think that the NFL was more for show, like the WWE or Boxing.

I know that I’m not the only one that lost a little faith in the NFL that day. Fans were outraged the next day on bulliten boards across the internet and talk radio shows across the country. The Seahawks own coach said that they did not lose to the Steelers, they lost to the refs.

So how can the refs decide the fate of the Super Bowl and there be no repercussions? Probably because the right team won. The team the NFL wanted to win. The Steelers with the pride and history, in the Bus’s last year, winning as a underdog all through the playoffs. The team with the better market and the better story.

Since then, I’ve picked up on things I’ve heard around the league. Chad Johnson for instances saying the he is not a football player. That he hasn’t played football since college. Now he is an entertainer.

A guy I know is a sports writer for a major paper, and he tells me that all sports are fixed. Not just boxing. Not just the NBA or the NFL. All sports like hockey, like baseball, like soccer. Now I know he has to be generalizing. I’m sure that the World Cup isn’t fixed, and I’m sure that most sports games aren’t fixed, but I can see what he is talking about.

It makes me lose a little faith in the games that I watch, but if you can decide who the NFL wants to win the Super Bowl each year, and bet the right way, you could probably make some good money.

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