Bet the NFL Super Bowl vs Sportsbook

How this site not top ranked for “Bet the Super Bowl” is beyond me. As of today, who is ranked #1? Some shitty online sportsbook, that doesn’t even have the Super Bowl in it’s description. This just proves that sites with money can pay for links and get ranked in Google and Bing for almost any phrase they want. How is a small site like mine suppose to compete?

Well I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’d like to think that if I continue to write good, quality content about the NFL and the Super Bowl, I should regain the top spot that I once owned. Unfortunately I’m not sure that this would work. It seems like it would be a very hard to fight and overtake Sportsbook by just writing new articles and getting new readers. I think I’ll have to try to get some new links pointed to my site, but I’m not sure how.

The first thing I’m thinking about is buying a link in the Yahoo! Directory. I imagine that the category this site would best fit in is Football > Gambling, but that would be up to the directory editors to determine. That’s if they even accept my site, after I decide if I’m going to submit my site.

The reason I’m not sure if I want to submit my site is that it costs $300 to submit your site to the directory, and that doesn’t mean that my site will be approved and put in the directory. So I can submit my site, pay $300 and never be listed. Then again I could be listed, and once you are in the directory, it costs $300 per year to keep your site listed. So if I do get listed, I’ll need to continue to pay $300 every year afterwards to keep the link.

Lastly I’m not even sure how much that link will help my site. I don’t expect to get much traffic through the yahoo directory. My site focuses on only one game a year, so I’m not sure how many people will be looking in the directory to try to find out how to bet on the Super Bowl. I think I will get some traffic from the listing, but the I think the biggest benefit of having this listing is the link that the directory will point to my site.

You see search engine point a lot of priority on the websites that have a lot of good links from other “important” websites pointed at them. I have to assume that yahoo would be considered an important website. Their directory was on of the first internet directories, and it’s probably the only one that still exists that it’s absolute garbage (like the DMOZ). But is a link from the Yahoo Directory worth paying $300 a year? I have no idea of knowing this…

I guess the only thing I can do is develop this site to a point were I think Yahoo would love to have it in their directory. Then I save up the $300 for the listing fee, cross my fingers, submit the site and hope for the best.

Hopefully with some effort, we can retake the top spot in Goolge and Bing for betting on the super Bowl by next February. After all that is what this site is all about. We should be the top site listed!

I know that this is off topic, but it’s something that we think and care about. Thanks for reading. We promise the next post will be football related!

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1 Response to Bet the NFL Super Bowl vs Sportsbook

  1. Sarah says:

    Don’t waste your money on the Yahoo! Directory. Their link is nice, but if you have problems with Google, 1 link won’t propel you to the top. You need A LOT of links like Sportsbook has. Of course you’ll need a lot of time and money to get that…

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