NFL Week 8 and updated Super Bowl Betting Odds

Congrats to the St Louis Cardinals for winning the World Series! It was a great 7 games, and probably one of the best World Series ever played. The Cards were not favored, but they managed to put a lot of the Vegas bettors in check by playing hard and beating the Rangers.

It’s now the eighth week of the NFL season, and there are some great match ups. The Buffalo Bills are playing the Washington Redskins in Toronto, and they just agreed to sign their quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick to a new 6 year $56 million dollar contract. That guy will now make more money in the next 6 years that I will make in over 20 lifetimes… Lucky bastard.

Another good match up this week is Pittsburgh Steelers hosting the New England Patriots. Both these teams are at the top of their divisions, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these two meet again the NFL playoffs on the way to the Super Bowl. This weekend the Patriots are favored even thought they’re playing in Pittsburgh. I can see either of these teams winning the Super Bowl any year. They have both been NFL power houses for the last 10 years, and that is one of the reasons why a lot of people bet them to win the Super Bowl every year before the season even starts.

The Sunday night game is an interesting match up in the NFL East. Dallas Cowboys travel to the Philadelphia Eagles. I’ve heard many people say that the Cowboys could be undefeated this year. In other words, “the only ones who can beat the Cowboys are the Cowboys,” meaning that Dallas is a great team with a lot of talent, but somehow they find ways to lose games. Just look at the Patriots game the other weeks. The Eagles were one of the favorites to win the Super Bowl when the season opened. They also have a lot of talent on their team, but so far they haven’t been able to make it work. We’ll see how wins this week. If I had to bet a side, I would bet on the Cowboys.

Below are the odds to win the Super Bowl XLVI at various points this year. We have listed the final pre-season odds that were available before the first regular NFL game was played. We also have last week’s Super Bowl odds and this week’s odds, so you can see how they changed based on last weekend’s games.

If you are interested in betting on the team to win the Super Bowl, I suggest never waiting for certain odds. If you really like a team to win it all, they will probably win a lot of games during the regular season, and their odds will just get smaller and smaller. so if you want to bet on a team, bet it early.

Betting odds to win Super Bowl XLVI 2012 in Indianapolis
Pre-Season Last Week Current
New England Patriots 11/2 4/1 17/4
Green Bay Packers 7/1 3/1 11/4
Philadelphia Eagles 15/2 20/1 20/1
San Diego Chargers 11/1 10/1 12/1
New York Jets 12/1 25/1 20/1
New Orleans Saints 12/1 10/1 8/1
Pittsburgh Steelers 13/1 16/1 14/1
Atlanta Falcons 16/1 35/1 28/1
Baltimore Ravens 16/1 8/1 11/1
Houston Texans 20/1 22/1 20/1
Dallas Cowboys 20/1 35/1 25/1
Indianapolis Colts 20/1 500/1 1000/1
New York Giants 28/1 30/1 30/1
Chicago Bears 30/1 75/1 50/1
Detroit Lions 30/1 12/1 22/1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 30/1 35/1 60/1
Minnesota Vikings 40/1 300/1 500/1
St. Louis Rams 45/1 500/1 750/1
Kansas City Chiefs 50/1 300/1 200/1
San Francisco 49ers 60/1 16/1 16/1
Miami Dolphins 60/1 750/1 1000/1
Arizona Cardinals 60/1 250/1 300/1
Oakland Raiders 80/1 40/1 50/1
Tennessee Titans 80/1 50/1 100/1
Jacksonville Jaguars 100/1 500/1 250/1
Seattle Seahawks 100/1 200/1 350/1
Denver Broncos 100/1 400/1 300/1
Cleveland Browns 100/1 300/1 200/1
Washington Redskins 100/1 50/1 80/1
Carolina Panthers 125/1 300/1 200/1
Buffalo Bills 150/1 35/1 40/1
Cincinnati Bengals 150/1 100/1 100/1

Look at the odds on the Colts. They have dropped from 20-1 to 1,000-1.

As always, thanks for reading and stopping by to learn how to bet on the Super Bowl. We’ll be back with more news and updates as the season progresses. Good luck. We hope you win all your bets and have a great weekend!

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