213 days until the Super Bowl and the odds are back up

Yes, we now have UPDATED odds for betting the next Super Bowl. Have fun.

Odds to win the 2009 Super Bowl XLIII All wagers have action.
Atlanta Falcons 150/1
Baltimore Ravens 50/1
Buffalo Bills 60/1
Carolina Panthers 40/1
Chicago Bears 40/1
Cincinnati Bengals 60/1
Cleveland Browns 25/1
Dallas Cowboys 6/1
Denver Broncos 40/1
Detroit Lions 80/1
Green Bay Packers 25/1
Houston Texans 60/1
Indianapolis Colts 15/2
Jacksonville Jaguars 12/1
Kansas City Chiefs 100/1
Miami Dolphins 100/1
Minnesota Vikings 18/1
New England Patriots 7/2
New Orleans Saints 20/1
New York Giants 16/1
New York Jets 45/1
Oakland Raiders 75/1
Philadelphia Eagles 20/1
Pittsburgh Steelers 15/1
San Diego Chargers 7/1
San Francisco 49ers 75/1
Seattle Seahawks 25/1
St.Louis Rams 65/1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 35/1
Tennessee Titans 40/1
Washington Redskins 40/1

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