Super Bowl Sports Betting in Las Vegas

Looking for a place to Bet on the Super Bowl? Well, aside from the internet, Las Vegas (you your local bookie) is the only place to bet the biggest game of the year. Whether you are wagering on the Indianapolis Colts or the Chicago Bears, the Las Vages Sportsbooks have eveything that you are looking for.

Offering many prop bets, the casinos’ sportsbooks know how to cater to all sports bettors. Some of the bets cross sports, such a bet that offers how many shots on goal Sidney Crosby will have that day verus the total number of intercepions in the Super Bowl. And it doesn’t stop there. You can bet on tons of props covering NBA players, college basketball, hockey, golf, and even European soccer.

These sportsbooks are also offering tons of bets on the Super Bowl itself. Online at, tons of player and team bets are available. Some are listed below (but there are many more than the bets listed here):

Peyton Manning Total Passing Yards in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 273 1/2

Peyton Manning Total Pass Completions in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 22 1/2

Peyton Manning Total TD Passes + Interceptions in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 3

Peyton Manning Total Rushing Attempts in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 1 1/2

How many times will Peyton Manning be sacked during the game? (IND vs CHI): over/under 1 1/2

Joseph Addai Total Rushing Yards in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 65 1/2

Dominic Rhodes Total Rushing Yards in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 50 1/2

Marvin Harrison Total Receiving Yards in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 60

Reggie Wayne Total Receiving Yards in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 76 1/2

Dallas Clark Longest Reception in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 22 1/2

Adam Vinatieri Total Points in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 8 1/2

What will happen first for Rex Grossman(IND vs CHI)  – Touchdown or Inteception

Thomas Jones Longest Rush from Scrimmage in the game (IND vs CHI): 16 1/2

How many Yards per Reception will Muhsin Muhammadaverage? (IND vs CHI) 

Brian Urlacher Total Tackles, Sacks and Interceptions in the game (IND vs CHI) 

Bernard Berrian Longest Reception in the game (IND vs CHI): over/under 21 1/2

Robbie Gould Total Points in the game (IND vs CHI) 

Anyway, this online sportsbook currently has over 100 props bets available on the Super Bowl. Check out to see them all.

With a Super Bowl betting handle projected to approach or exceed last year’s record $94.5 million in Nevada, bookmakers could find themselves rooting against any result in which the Colts win by exactly 7 points. If that happens, casinos would have to refund a big chunk of the handle to bettors.

Good Luck and enjoy this year’s Super Bowl. With just a week to go, be sure to get your bets in now!

Thanks for visiting Bet the NFL Super Bowl XLI Miami – Colts vs Bears

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